What is It About Horses and Young Girls?
In a world of computer games, theInternet and shopping malls, what is it about this four-legged farm animalthat seems to capture the heart of most of them?
According to a recent study by the American Horse Council, 1.9 millionAmericans own horses -- just over 4 million people are recreational ridersand 3.6 million show horses. The horse industry has a $112.1 billion impacton the US gross domestic product: greater than the movie industry and thetobacco manufacturing industry.
Even with people mainly in cities, horses have really disappeared from dailylife for most North Americans. And yet their appeal hasn't faded.
I wonder why.
As a youngster, I was enthralled with horses. I read books about horses,took riding lessons and all of my drawings were of horses. It's a girl thingmostly. I didn't come from an equestrian background.
It does have benefits. You learn to control a large muscle-y animal whichmay prepare you for being married to another version of one. A horse weighsabout half a ton. You can't be shy around a horse. You learn to be confidentand firm.
The general care of a horse which includes brushing, mucking out stalls andfeeding gives you a feeling of responsibility. It's a healthierenvironment - a riding stable can delay the problems of dating and drugs. It's a great physical activity.
In an age where teenagers find that television's problems are dealt with in30 minutes, riding takes a longer, more dedicated approach. I think girlswho ride make better drivers because you're trained to look forward and planwhat's ahead. No one wants to get hit by an overhead branch on a trail. It'is a monetary investment but I think it's on par with boys playing hockeyand the equipment that entails. Overall, I would say it is money well spent.
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